I hope that this serves as my personal tribute to Dr. Ken Felch of Foothill Chiropractic. Ken and I have worked together for many years-in growing his knowledge and use of Standard Process and Medi Herb. However, the biggest impact he’s had on my life was when I became his patient after I broke my neck, back, ribs and Brain due to a cycling accident 10 years ago. I was found unconscious in the middle of the road up in the Woodside Hills. I’m forever grateful to you, my “Dr. Frankenshtein” because you took on the job of putting my body and my brain back together. Cheers to you, and take it away!

I’m an AK practitioner that specializes in Functional Nutrition with a focus on Lyme disease. I combine this with ART, and MFT muscle testing.
I use P-DTR receptor-based therapy to compliment my chiropractic work. This reboots receptors in the body which relieves muscle spasms, pain, and reduced range of motion. One of my new patients is the founder of a Catholic worker house in Redwood City. They distribute donated food and provide shower services for the homeless. This includes driving a 5-ton delivery truck, lifting, and moving food. He was referred to me due to horrible knee pain and not being able to walk or work. Within 3 P-DTR treatments, he’s no longer waking up at night due to pain, and he’s walking a mile a day!
“90% of my business is referral based. A lot of my success is because I’ve made it my mission to put my patients first. All have my cell phone so they can text me after hours. This endears them to me, and often, I can provide relief without them having to come in for an appointment. They know I’m not in it for the money.”
– Ken Felch
You’d asked me what sets me apart. Back in the early days of being a new chiropractor, I belonged to a coaching group that taught me a valuable lesson: how to have the courage to recognize when someone else might have a better skill set that my patient could benefit from, and refer out. I’m not suggesting that we give up too soon but I think most of us know early on if someone is going to respond or not- this is the decision point.
Even though I was only a year or so in practice and every patient = $, I made the decision to find others who were more experienced than I was. It was a big risk but I took a leap of faith that if I do what’s right for others, it would come back to me. Over the years, I have created a large referral network that I routinely use to create a therapeutic ‘team’ for my patients. Sometimes I “quarterback” the treatment and other times, I relinquish control altogether-then the patient is completely under another’s care. In spite of referring patients away, much to my surprise, they continue to refer to me rather than the doctor they’re currently working with.
During the Pandemic, my patients know the value of my work and that their health relies on good nutrition and structural alignment. A stiff neck might be coming from a virus in sinuses and upper respiratory tract. Back pain and hip issues might be a subclinical kidney/ UTI. In the early days of Shelter in Place, I emailed out a video and also put it on my Facebook Group being a voice of reason, designed to calm patients down and to realize that none of us are as powerless as we’re being told. Come on in-we’re here for you. It’s worked and my top-selling products these days are SP Cleanse, Milk Thistle Forte and Epimune.
Another cool success story:

After a vaccine detox (VaxReact by DesBio), liver cleansing, and removing foods that she was sensitive to, she completely changed. She’s now –curvy and muscular-hair has beautifully grown in-body pushing poison out of her scalp. She’s chirpy and energetic.”
Thank you for your amazing example of ‘ Paying it forward’ Dr. Felch! I’m hoping that this newsletter will help to expand your referral network even further.
Please share your success stories and more about your practice. I’d love to hear from you,